New Mind
Updated: Jun 24, 2024
Our habitual thoughts and feelings lead us to repeating the same actions over and over again, keeping us in the same state of being. If our inner life remains the same, our outer life also remains the same.
Since our present is a particularisation of potentials brought about by those inner habits, we'll continue to particularise in the same way and experience that present over and over again, unless we do something different.
To experience change on the outside, we need to change on the inside first. We need to think and feel in a new way, which leads us to act in a new way, and eventually to be a new way. Our outer life will come to reflect this inner shift because we're creating or choosing a new future free from all our past habit. Of all the infinite possible futures we can experience, we'll be choosing a better one than we would have otherwise.
It requires no less than creating a new self, one that is coherent in mind and emotion, one that is clear and passionate, and which will subsequently create greater futures. If there is a mismatch between our thoughts and our feelings, we have conflicting desires, so we create a similarly muddled future.
Part of this new mind is an element of surprise. We want results and changes to surprise us. Why? If we can carefully time and predict all of our life's changes, it means they're within our zone of familiarity and that we're still acting out of our old paradigm. You must let go of predictability and routine. Start to expect, welcome and hope for the unexpected.

To do this, hold a clear intention of your future, send it out by thinking and acting according to it, but leave the "how-to" to a higher power. Trust that the desire is more powerful than knowledge of all the steps required to fulfil it.
This is the basis of your new mind and new self: it is overcome, filled, inspired by positive, empowered visions, and fully trusts that those desires will be fulfilled. It welcomes and hopes for the unexpected. This mind is connected to the quantum world, in which all futures are possible.
What's more, we must feel grateful for the fulfilment of our desire before we witness its fulfilment.
Huh? But we're only ever grateful for what we have already received. How can we be grateful for something if we have yet to receive it? That doesn't make any sense.
You see, feeling grateful for an as-yet-unrealised desire is proof of the strength of that desire and of your conviction in its strength. To have a new mind, you have to feel thankful before the event. Nay, you have to truly feel and believe that the event has already come to pass before it does. If you do, you feel it in your bones. It feels like you are already that new person, whether or not you presently are or not.
In this way, you start particularising the future now. If you wait and wait and wait until you see concrete evidence, unsure of whether it's all a dream, this is the future you're creating: one of worry and uncertainty. Get into the habit of feeling you've received before you do.