Infinite Realities
Updated: Nov 5, 2024
Your life is not fixed. You are not fixed. An infinite number of realities await you.
Quantum mechanics has revolutionised our understanding of the universe by showing us that all matter, before it is observed or existent, exists as a wave, as pure energy, as pure potential.
This means that reality, when it's not directly perceived by us, exists as pure potential. And at the quantum level the future isn't deterministically bound to be a certain way, but is actually a particular choice, a particlar realisation of this pure potential. The same applies to our personal future.
Our personal futures are infinite, unlimited. They include all possible eventualities, including a poor, unhappy, overweight you living a hellish life, as well as an abundant, happy, healthy you living your dream life, and everything in between. All configurations and permutations are possible.

Here's the real kicker: by thinking, doing and being in a particular way, you're slowly collapsing and particularising the pure potential of the future. It eventually coalesces around your visions of your future self through the accumulated thoughts, actions and emotions that you repeat day by day.
Regardless of your current state of health, if you picture yourself to be healthy, and convince yourself that you are a happy person (Thinking), you'll slowly start acting like a healthy person through your eating and exercise habits (Doing). Do this for long enough, and eventually you'll get used to it. No longer will you need to deliberately be healthy, you just will be (Being). You've completed the Thinking-Doing-Being cycle and eventually brought that particular future to pass.
On the other hand, if you convince yourself you're unhealthy (Thinking), you'll act accordingly (Doing), and eventually will be unhealthy without having to will it (Being).
Do you see that in both cases it was your original belief that defined your future? Regardless of your initial state of health or otherwise, in the future you were neither healthy nor unhealthy, just as Schrodinger's Cat neither existed nor didn't. It was your belief that set off a chain of actions that made you one way or the other. The future existed as pure potential; you particularised it.
With Joe Dispenza's Meditation, which involves seven steps, you deliberately train yourself on a desirable future vision, seering it into your mind so deeply that you eventually come to believe it. You then start Doing things that reflect your new vision, and slowly begin to create a new self. Eventually, that new self becomes crystallised, and your identity is transformed (Being).
In this way, your life is not fixed. You are not fixed. An infinite number of realities await you. Will you decide to unconsciously stumble into the worst, or consciously bring about the best?